Monday, March 12, 2007

monday, so far.

the $2000 light* is illuminated on my dashboard. fuck.

my minolta's shutter is sticking and i lost about 15 pictures on a roll. have to get the cam fixed.

i burned up about 5 sheets of paper in the dark room because i am fucking exhausted & an idiot.

i got a $55 ticket in boston.

...and there was a "mid-term" today in class that he didn't tell us was going to happen. surprise.

to top it all off, i have to leave for class in 10 minutes and i read zero of the three readings we were supposed to it. maybe i'll get lucky and there'll be a test there also.

*check engine light


late afternoon class cancelled. kind of a blessing. paper assigned due wed, though.

i may have to quit school after this semester and go back to work! yay.

i wish i were dead.

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