Wednesday, March 7, 2007

let it snow.

it snowed last night/today. we received about 2", tops. that was still enough for my school to cancel every class after 4pm. my only class today was at 4:40. i didn't shower because i had a feeling due to the snow that mumbles wouldn't be there anyway. silly. in minnesota this is unheard of.

i made a video today and put it up on youtube. it's pretty silly - the things i do when bored.

also, a random person named jesse found my blog via googling "splatter matter", which was kind of interesting. if you are still reading, jesse, welcome.

my dress that i ordered and had made for this saturday's event(The Men's Event in Boston) still ISN'T HERE. someone do something about that, okay? thanks.

enjoy the video, kids.


Anonymous said...

i was telling my gf the story of "splatter matter" and found the blog so i could send it to her... then i saw this blog and shared the vid as well, we both had a bit a chuckle

SupermarketValueFood said...

I don't normally laugh at videos of "dumb things my cat does" but for some reason that one made me soil myself laughing.