Sunday, January 28, 2007

a day well spent

cap backwards.
Originally uploaded by bringonthescience.
yesterday was dreary and grey. normal people would get depressed over this, but not me. there are some sights that are best seen in this sort of weather. sights like the boardwalks, abandoned in the wintertime and completely desolate looking. i ended up shooting a bit at asbury park boardwalk, which is either completely torn down or close to it. eminent domain has taken over down by the water and blank spaces are everywhere. it is really sad. i googled asbury park to see if i could find pictures of what it used to be like - and it used to be glorious.

urban decay is so beautiful. i hate that the american way is to tear down the old and put new in. you forget your roots that way.

save our roots, people. they're all we've got.

1 comment:

YRG said...

i love your writing and this new blog style looks cool-- looks like blogger 2.0 or whatever... i got to switch to that. wish i had the confidence to post more often like you.