Thursday, January 4, 2007

the advent is near.

I am nearly 27 years old. Now, if I were a dog, I'd be dead. In some instances, I would tell you that I'd already lived a whole life, which is mostly true. I've gone to college, been married, divorced, had kids, owned a home, a dog, and a car. This factor used to be my excuse for refusing to interact in what other people my age partake in. I just didn't have it in me. Not to mention the fact that 98% of people my age sicken me..but that's for another time.

Something has changed.

I'm going back to school. I'm trying to direct my life in a path that I agree with, not necessarily what's been set in front of me. There are things I want to do and see. Things I want to take pictures of, people I want to hug, and wines to try I've never even heard of.

So, 27, I am expecting a lot from you. I expect you to produce that spark I thought I'd lost. Help me dust off my shoulders, shield me from the deterrence of thought-up failure, and point me in the direction of the nearest freshly baked pie.

no strawberry, thanks.

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