Wednesday, January 31, 2007

college at 27.

Originally uploaded by bringonthescience.
i have come to the decision that my english class insults my intelligence. the kids in my class are obviously taking it for reasons similar to mine, a requirement towards a loftier goal. in our way is one thing, professor ritchey. he mumbles and he talks to himself instead of lecturing to us. we strain during the entire 75 minutes to hear what he's saying because he only speaks at a volume that the person directly next to him can really hear. he goes off on tangents about his wife, plays, or his schooling for 10-15-20 minutes sometimes. totally bizarre. he also sits the entire class. if we were in a lecture hall, it wouldn't be so bad, but we aren't.

he is the human equivalent of a tortoise. he even resembles one.

**thank you, stacy, for pointing out my "here" instead of "hear" in one sentence. i obviously need to be in this class.

1 comment:

SupermarketValueFood said...

My sister is talking about dropping out of uni. I'm dead set against it, despite the fact she doesn't like her course.

What can I say to make her stick it out?