Wednesday, January 31, 2007

college at 27.

Originally uploaded by bringonthescience.
i have come to the decision that my english class insults my intelligence. the kids in my class are obviously taking it for reasons similar to mine, a requirement towards a loftier goal. in our way is one thing, professor ritchey. he mumbles and he talks to himself instead of lecturing to us. we strain during the entire 75 minutes to hear what he's saying because he only speaks at a volume that the person directly next to him can really hear. he goes off on tangents about his wife, plays, or his schooling for 10-15-20 minutes sometimes. totally bizarre. he also sits the entire class. if we were in a lecture hall, it wouldn't be so bad, but we aren't.

he is the human equivalent of a tortoise. he even resembles one.

**thank you, stacy, for pointing out my "here" instead of "hear" in one sentence. i obviously need to be in this class.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

a day well spent

cap backwards.
Originally uploaded by bringonthescience.
yesterday was dreary and grey. normal people would get depressed over this, but not me. there are some sights that are best seen in this sort of weather. sights like the boardwalks, abandoned in the wintertime and completely desolate looking. i ended up shooting a bit at asbury park boardwalk, which is either completely torn down or close to it. eminent domain has taken over down by the water and blank spaces are everywhere. it is really sad. i googled asbury park to see if i could find pictures of what it used to be like - and it used to be glorious.

urban decay is so beautiful. i hate that the american way is to tear down the old and put new in. you forget your roots that way.

save our roots, people. they're all we've got.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Sometimes you just want to be anonymous.

Project 365 - Day 117
Originally uploaded by bringonthescience.
there are a few pairs of jeans i am hanging onto i will never fit into again.

some that i don't want to. when i fit in them i wasn't eating and going through a really bad time.

others, well, happiness has brought back my appetite. :) time to hit the gym again.

either way, i am just uncomfortable in everything as of late.

a few things.

yes, i haven't blogged in awhile.

san fran was awesome. jen was a great host and i really enjoyed it there. i wouldn't mind living there, but we all know donut isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

school started this past monday. the kids are idiots. i didn't really expect much else. uggz and fur trimmed parkas galore. oh well.

tomorrow we are supposed to go to ellis island. i've never seen the statue before, so hopefully it will be nice out so i can get some good pictures.

more boring blog post ever.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

nyc birthday party

technically, my birthday isn't until next Wednesday, but i had a party last night in NYC with friends.

a great party. pleasantly drunk, lots of laughs, and some dancing on the bar.

can't ask for any more than that, can you.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

oprah and evil

is oprah really that evil? i mean, i really can't think of anyone or thing she has really hurt in her climb to fame and fortune. she is a totally rich black woman, which was unheard of, really, even 50 years ago.

i like her book club. i do not know if oprah is the sole book selector in the deal, but the books and authors chosen are often quite good. if anything, i see oprah as a way to get the public to read more. anything, in all honesty, that gets people to read more is totally supported by me. midamerican housewives are gullible and easily influenced, why not influence them into reading?

oprah brings to light a lot of authors that the public otherwise may not get to see or hear about.

so, i guess i don't see the bad part?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

7 months

today, 7 months.

sometimes i wonder how i got this far without killing him and sometimes i wonder how i am still alive.

the road is rocky, but it is mostly rocky road.. if you know what i mean.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

get you some action.

you hear, many times, that actions speak louder than words. well, they say this for a reason. think of all the situations it could apply to.

politics: 'we will disarm.' this doesn't mean shit until your guns are gone.
religion: 'believe in me and you will have eternal life.' and again, i'll believe it when i see it.
love: 'i love you.' ....

that's what this is about. the i love you. the ILY means so much more in action, but why is it so hard to say? we choke and sputter on those three little words we use endlessly in other situations, but when it comes to that one person there is a huge mental block. very odd. sometimes mutual love between romantic partners is understood far before the energy to proclaim the words aloud can even be mustered.

why is this? does that make it official...and reverse of all other "actions speak louder" situations? it is befuddling, to say the least.

once the ILY is said, mutually or singularly, it should never, ever become a common phrase, in my book. if you say something a thousand times, it loses its meaning. it has a certain seriousness and effectiveness when a rarity that it won't have with familiarity.

if you say "come. come............come...come.." to a dog who refuses to come to you, he begins to think the word is just background noise.

i do not anyone, ever, to think my ILY is background noise. i want them to hear it like thunder.

Monday, January 8, 2007


dear armand.

mr van helden, i should say.

have my babies, please.

can we do it to your remix of 'sexyback'? maybe 'touch your toes'?

please write back.


ears of tears

this is the first time i have ever woken up from a sleep to discover i'd been sobbing.

while asleep.

this is kind of an intense discovery and occurrence. i really hope it never happens again.

i also hope i never dream of what i dreamed of to make me cry that way while unconscious even.

i imagine this is what happens to severely depressed people, although it has never happened to me before even in the depths of despair.

Friday, January 5, 2007

damn you, xm and your BPM too.

i cannot stop listening to bpm on xm radio. electronica/house/techno whatever. the last downloads of "gently borrowed music" i have off limewire are as follows:

Cicada - The things you say(Dirty South Remix)
Gorillaz - DARE(Dave Aude Club Mix)
Hellogoodbye - Here in Your Arms
September - Satellites
Supafly, Inc - Moving Too Fast

i will stop embarrassing myself now. but, if you have time, DL those(and of course if you like that sort of music).

and also, for hilarity purposes, please look up 50 Cent's remix of London Bridges(by Fergie). It is so horrifically bad that it will make you cry with laughter.

trust me.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

the advent is near.

I am nearly 27 years old. Now, if I were a dog, I'd be dead. In some instances, I would tell you that I'd already lived a whole life, which is mostly true. I've gone to college, been married, divorced, had kids, owned a home, a dog, and a car. This factor used to be my excuse for refusing to interact in what other people my age partake in. I just didn't have it in me. Not to mention the fact that 98% of people my age sicken me..but that's for another time.

Something has changed.

I'm going back to school. I'm trying to direct my life in a path that I agree with, not necessarily what's been set in front of me. There are things I want to do and see. Things I want to take pictures of, people I want to hug, and wines to try I've never even heard of.

So, 27, I am expecting a lot from you. I expect you to produce that spark I thought I'd lost. Help me dust off my shoulders, shield me from the deterrence of thought-up failure, and point me in the direction of the nearest freshly baked pie.

no strawberry, thanks.