Tuesday, May 8, 2007

worst of moods.

i was in a foul mood today. the perils of manic depression - unpredictable mood swings.

poor chris. he came in with a fedex box in hand for me and in return i breathed fire and ice at him about the dog eating the futon. (i'd asked him to get rid of it weeks ago - the futon, that is)

anyway. while chris is heaving the futon out to the curb for fear of my head completely exploding atop my shoulders, i opened the box from fedex.

inside..was a mirror with a label on it.

"you're looking at a new D80 user!"

a free camera! omg. i totally got hooked up through an internet acquaintance. i am so STOKED. i get to use it FREE for a year and then get the option to buy at an editorial price.

so totally awesome.

thank you, person i have never met. thank you for admiring my work on flickr enough to offer me an opportunity to further my work even more.


(and chris thanks you for possibly saving his life)

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