Friday, May 18, 2007

druggie horse response:

in case you miss the comments on any of these posts, there was one on my last "serious" entry regarding a book. here it is:

I don't even know you and I think you are a douche! I think there is something seriously wrong with you!!! You obviously have way too much time one your hands. Maybe you should put a little more effort into your children, instead of the crap you write. Your "housemate", does he contibute to the house you live in? Why do you talk about him as if fighting a war makes him not a part of the household anymore? How could he come home if he is in Iraq? Do you know what that is like? You are only able to type on your computer because he faught for us to have that freedom. If it wasn't for him, your wouldn't have the right to express your stupid blog's. Try treating him with a little respect!!!!

this person obviously totally knows what is going on to comment on this blog. and also has a lot of cajones to do so anonymously. i invite you to post back here again, anonymous person, with a real ID.

also, woo hoo for being famous enough to get a flamer. even if they are stupid and spell fought as "faught".

oh well, it's just another one of those "blog's", right?


Anonymous said...

I'd have to say I agree. Especially about the part, taking care of your children. No one's story is ever the same, but no one, and I mean no one, understands when a mother doesnt have her children. And again, I agree with the "housemate" issue. Perhaps our freedom is taken too lightly by some. Perhaps you're included in that.

bots! said...

I grew up in a Marine household. I would never take my freedom lightly. There is a difference between being a good soldier and a piece of shit human to those that hold down your home front while you are away.

Enough with the anonymous comments, people!

Anonymous said...

How about your children?

bots! said...

My happy, healthy, beautiful children that I see as much as I can and can see whenever I like?

They're great. Thanks for asking.

Anonymous said...

Yes. How can you not miss being with them everyday? Needing them next to you? Snuggling them in? How can you not have them in your home, raising them?

bots! said...

Who said I don't miss them? I miss them all the time. I wonder what they had for supper, what they learned in school, and what bad joke they learned.

I made a mature decision with my ex to have them stay with him in our old HOUSE primarily because he has a better family support system nearby and makes more money. There are also other reasons on his part that aren't some anonymous internet person's business. It was the best decision for all of us in the end.

There's no reason children have to stay with the mother instead of the father, primarily. Fathers are just as good as mothers - and it doesn't mean the mother is a bad mother just as it doesn't mean the father is a bad father if he doesn't get primary custody. The kids staying with the mother is a very old fashioned thing and isn't followed by everyone. We are a non-traditional family and it works out great for us.

Is that what you wanted to know?

Anonymous said...
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