Wednesday, May 23, 2007

home ownahz.

forgot to update y'all : house is ours!

beach, here we come!!!!!11

Friday, May 18, 2007


Originally uploaded by bringonthescience.
yesterday, chris and i went out with our realtor to look at houses. no dice. i sent our realtor a new list of houses last night - some of which don't have pictures on the listings or just a picture of the outside. we were wary of these due to those facts, but you never know what you're missing simply because of a picture.

today i went out alone with our realtor sheryl. we went out with the mindset of FINDING a house. we saw around 13 houses. we found one. it is adorable, light, and a stone's throw from the beach.

we are putting in an offer tonight. woo hoo!

druggie horse response:

in case you miss the comments on any of these posts, there was one on my last "serious" entry regarding a book. here it is:

I don't even know you and I think you are a douche! I think there is something seriously wrong with you!!! You obviously have way too much time one your hands. Maybe you should put a little more effort into your children, instead of the crap you write. Your "housemate", does he contibute to the house you live in? Why do you talk about him as if fighting a war makes him not a part of the household anymore? How could he come home if he is in Iraq? Do you know what that is like? You are only able to type on your computer because he faught for us to have that freedom. If it wasn't for him, your wouldn't have the right to express your stupid blog's. Try treating him with a little respect!!!!

this person obviously totally knows what is going on to comment on this blog. and also has a lot of cajones to do so anonymously. i invite you to post back here again, anonymous person, with a real ID.

also, woo hoo for being famous enough to get a flamer. even if they are stupid and spell fought as "faught".

oh well, it's just another one of those "blog's", right?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

druggie horses.

i feel, quite strongly, that this is something you all should read. seriously.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

47 days.

it's official as of this morning - this fucking house is SOLD!!11111

thank god. now, to PACK.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

worst of moods.

i was in a foul mood today. the perils of manic depression - unpredictable mood swings.

poor chris. he came in with a fedex box in hand for me and in return i breathed fire and ice at him about the dog eating the futon. (i'd asked him to get rid of it weeks ago - the futon, that is)

anyway. while chris is heaving the futon out to the curb for fear of my head completely exploding atop my shoulders, i opened the box from fedex.

inside..was a mirror with a label on it.

"you're looking at a new D80 user!"

a free camera! omg. i totally got hooked up through an internet acquaintance. i am so STOKED. i get to use it FREE for a year and then get the option to buy at an editorial price.

so totally awesome.

thank you, person i have never met. thank you for admiring my work on flickr enough to offer me an opportunity to further my work even more.


(and chris thanks you for possibly saving his life)

nearly there.

so, my term paper is finished and my portfolio is handed in. there are no major projects left for the semester. i am free of schoolwork (til the next semester).

now, this HOUSE. plz sell. we've had some promising people come to look at it - a builder's engineer stopped by today to get some specs on the property and whatnot.

so, whatever it is you do when you hope for something, can you hope a little for us?

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Originally uploaded by bringonthescience.
here is a recent pic of us if you don't pop over to my flickr page(which you should).

strange dreams.

last night i dreamed, among other crazy things, that my pubic hairs were composed of protractors and compasses. you know, the tools you use in geometry class. i was trying to figure out how to trim them with a beard trimmer and it wasn't working out so well.

if you know what this means, please drop me a line.

we have a new look.

something lively and that reminds me of spring.


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Hello, little ones.

Hello, little ones.
Originally uploaded by bringonthescience.
Spring has technically been here for awhile, but it's finally showing itself the past week or so. Warm weather and blooms everywhere.

Bring on the summer!