Tuesday, June 12, 2007

if you don't mind..

well, yes, i do mind.

what do people think when they say, "if you don't mind me asking" after a personal question? it's almost always about money. do they think it gives them some sort of free pass to be a nosey bastard?

how will they take it when you say, "well, yes, i do mind", and then stare at them blankly. are you being rude by saying that to them or are you evening out the rudeness by doing that?

in any case, almost any time i hear that phrase i always say that i mind because i know that person is aware they are prying and i'd like to teach them to mind their own business.

even if i don't care that much about the subject matter.

1 comment:

-j. said...

If someone asks a personal question, it's not rude to decline to answer. The kidney-punching, I could do without, though. Thanks <3