Friday, June 22, 2007

I'm not a plastic bag.

No, you're not. You are a fucking ridiculous "high fashion" version of the 99cent bags you can get in any grocery store. This disgusts me. This bag costs $15 while other reusable bags available for purchase at supermarkets are around $1 a piece.

Sadly, the message it sends is great - reduce, reuse, recycle - but not a dime of the profit goes to any organization working towards a cleaner earth. not a dime.

AND.. it's ugly.

our local A&P features waterproof bags made of recycled materials that display beautiful macro photography on the sides for 99 cents.

please read that last sentence again, or mostly just this part: made of recycled materials.

did i mention this bag these women are buying like crazy for $15 is NOT made of recycled materials?


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

if you don't mind..

well, yes, i do mind.

what do people think when they say, "if you don't mind me asking" after a personal question? it's almost always about money. do they think it gives them some sort of free pass to be a nosey bastard?

how will they take it when you say, "well, yes, i do mind", and then stare at them blankly. are you being rude by saying that to them or are you evening out the rudeness by doing that?

in any case, almost any time i hear that phrase i always say that i mind because i know that person is aware they are prying and i'd like to teach them to mind their own business.

even if i don't care that much about the subject matter.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

someone get me a beer.

someone get me a beer.
Originally uploaded by bringonthescience
can't wait.

this is the beach by our new house. when i say 'by', i mean 100ft from.