Saturday, April 28, 2007

wii scored.

Highlights of my day include, in order of happening:

-seeing a drunk before 7am peeing, so drunk he had to lean against a wall, then peeing on his foot, then having to lift that foot. so a drunk against a wall peeing with one foot in the air
-talking to a crazy schizo
-Seeing Signourney Weaver
-Seeing Alan Rickman
-talking to a crazy schizo
-getting a Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
-having brunch w/awesome Consumators
-street fair/Union Square gardening expo stuff
-having my phone ring(ringtone:lady sov) IN A CHURCH. twice.
-having the voicemail be about a friend punching a girl in the box. "pow pow pow"
-a text that read "i just shit an anaconda."
-seeing a fat herm/tranny type singing to his discman on a street corner
-a bar full of aussies watching cricket
-playing my wii at home only to have my neurotic dog attack me, bite my ankles and calves, herd me, then leap up and bite my boob.

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