Saturday, April 28, 2007

wii scored.

Highlights of my day include, in order of happening:

-seeing a drunk before 7am peeing, so drunk he had to lean against a wall, then peeing on his foot, then having to lift that foot. so a drunk against a wall peeing with one foot in the air
-talking to a crazy schizo
-Seeing Signourney Weaver
-Seeing Alan Rickman
-talking to a crazy schizo
-getting a Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
-having brunch w/awesome Consumators
-street fair/Union Square gardening expo stuff
-having my phone ring(ringtone:lady sov) IN A CHURCH. twice.
-having the voicemail be about a friend punching a girl in the box. "pow pow pow"
-a text that read "i just shit an anaconda."
-seeing a fat herm/tranny type singing to his discman on a street corner
-a bar full of aussies watching cricket
-playing my wii at home only to have my neurotic dog attack me, bite my ankles and calves, herd me, then leap up and bite my boob.

Monday, April 23, 2007

new toy.

Originally uploaded by bringonthescience.
i love new toys.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


the cats are back. they were a little shell shocked for a couple days, but they are back in good form now.

i cannot cannot cannot wait to get out of this house. i'm prepared to beg chris to accept ANY offer we get at this point so we can get out of here. seriously.

Monday, April 16, 2007

the non-divorce divorce.

so, chris's housemate owns half the house with chris. he has slowly been moving his stuff out while we try to sell the house and move on. his current girlfriend has been coming and taking some of his stuff bit by bit. he, himself, hasn't actually set foot in this house since last august when he left for iraq. saturday he came back to get more stuff.

when he left, he took our cats with him. chris was home and let it happen. he doesn't even want them. he wanted to be spiteful and a jerk. it worked.

needless to say, after shouting and tears combined with a lot of phone calls and threats, my cats are coming home tonight.

they better. i miss them.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

updated list of things jack has eaten.


1 ottoman
1 arm chair
1 toddler bed mattress
3 rugs
6 pairs of shoes(12 shoes total)
1 pair of socks
1 shirt
2 grill covers
1 piece of bamboo fencing
1 pair of gloves


1 futon mattress
1 more pair of shoes( nice heels)
3 BRAS. yes. bras.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

This is Basil.

This is Basil.
Originally uploaded by bringonthescience.
Basil is at a shelter in Tinton Falls. He is a Basenji/Border Collie mix.

He is pretty rad. Jack is going to be in need of a new boyfriend, so we are on the prowl to find one. Basil might be it.

Monday, April 2, 2007

let's get topless.

spring break officially started today for me.

squirrel arrives tomorrow.

let the party begin!